in·co·her·ent | Adjective /ˌinkōˈhi(ə)rənt/
: lacking orderly continuity, arrangement, or relevance
: lacking normal clarity or intelligibility in speech or thought
pho·tog·ra·phy | Noun /fəˈtägrəfē/
: the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (as film or a CCD chip)
This website is dedicated to posting unrelated, random pictures from my activities.
They currently consist of lasers, knives, and random squirrels.
Enjoy. -Craig
Note: If you want any high-res shots for personal/non-commercial use, just ask. Most of the time I will hand over the image(s) for free.
LEM Camera KillKount™ (Cameras killed at meets I've attended) RIP... 2
1. Canon 7D (mine)
2. Lytro Prototype (not mine)